I think our numerous meetings in Yenan to promote constitutional government have a twofold purpose. 我以为我们延安的许多促进会,有两个意义。
Reviewing and Thinking of the Constitutional Government Process of the Citizen Political Right in the Past 60 Years 六十年公民政治权利宪政历程的回顾与思考
As was to be expected, there was once again talk about a "political solution" and "preparations for constitutional government" at the Eleventh Plenary Session; well and good, we welcome such talk. 十一中全会果然又有政治解决和准备实行宪政的话头了,好得很,我们是欢迎这些话头的。
All schools, government organizations and army units and all sections of the people should study the problem of constitutional government confronting us. 各学校,各机关,各部队,各界人民,都要研究当前的宪政问题。
For the construction of constitutional government, constitutionalism process is premise, process of constitution actualization is base, process of constitution maintenance is guarantee. 对于宪政建设而言,制宪程序正当化是前提,行宪程序正当化是基础,护宪程序正当化是保障。
The CPC's practices are of great referential value considering the development of constitutional government with humanistic orientation. 党的人本宪政探索为我们提供了许多关于人本宪政发展的启示。
But in any case the Aristotelian statesman's goal will be restoration of the conditions of constitutional government and rule of law as quickly and again as efficiently as possible. 但无论如何,亚里士多德式政治家的目标,将是要尽快及有效地恢复,宪法政府与法治的条件,随着这个坚强不屈的批注。
The movement for constitutional government will never follow the course decided on by the die-hards, but will run counter to their intentions, and it will inevitably take the course decided on by the people. 这个宪政运动的方向,决不会依照顽固派所规定的路线走去,一定和他们的愿望背道而驰,它必然是依照人民所规定的路线走去的。
Comrades, real constitutional government will never come easily; it can only be obtained through hard struggle. 同志们,真正的宪政决不是容易到手的,是要经过艰苦斗争才能取得的。
Judicial review of the abuse of administrative discretion is required by the realization and development of constitutional government. 对行政裁量权滥用进行司法审查控制是实现宪政和促进宪政建设的必然要求。
The purpose of our meeting today is to promote or urge the establishment of constitutional government. 我们今天开的这个会,叫做宪政促进会。
The New Social Strata's Impacts on the Construction of China's Constitutional Government 新社会阶层在我国宪政建设中的作用
Since the "olive shape" structure of contemporary social strata is the base of constitutional government functioning, no real constitutional government will exist without a strong strata base. 由于现代社会的“橄榄型”阶层结构是宪政运行的基础,没有一个强大的阶级基础就不会产生真正的宪政。
It is an inexorable trend of historical development of constitutional government to restrict power with the right. 以权利制约权力是防止权力滥用的有效措施之一,也是西方国家宪政建设实践的一个重要启示。
This is the request of the constitutional government and embodiment of nation ruled by law. 这是宪政的要求,也是法治国的体现。
It is the objective of the struggle of every country to really realize the constitutional government. 真正地实现宪政是每个国家的奋斗目标。
The same is true of constitutional government today. 现在的宪政,也是这样。
Constitutional Government: the Systematic Basis for Constructing the Harmonious Society of Socialism 宪政:构建社会主义和谐社会的制度基础
Constitutional government with humanistic orientation unifies the concept of human-orientation and constitutional government. 人本宪政是以人为本与宪政思想的统一。
What is "polity" or "constitutional government"? Why does Aristotle think that polity is the best practical form of government? 什么是共和政体或宪政政体?为什么亚里斯多德认为共和政体是最佳且可行的政体?
The status of procuratorial authority in the constitutional government refers to the position or status of such an authority in a nations constitutional or political system. 检察权宪政地位主要指检察权在一个国家宪政制度或政治制度中的定位和地位。
In the early time of constitutional government thought research, some bourgeoisie initiation thinker's theory brings to our attention. 在宪政思想研究的早期,有一位资产阶级启蒙思想家的理论不得不引起我们的重视。
To promote the construction of our constitutional government, we must make great efforts to establish the system of review of violating the constitution, seeking a garming purpose of relief and balance of the paradox. 实质性推进我国宪政建设必须积极建构违宪审查制度,从而实现消解悖论和寻求平衡的博弈目标。
When it comes to winning political power, it is in favour of the movement for constitutional government and tries to exploit the contradictions between the progressives and the die-hards for its own ends. 在争取政治权力问题上,他们赞成宪政运动,并企图利用进步派和顽固派之间的矛盾以达其目的。
Answer: Dr. Sun Yat-sen originally envisaged the three stages of military rule, political tutelage and constitutional government. 答:军政、训政、宪政三个时期的划分,原是孙中山先生说的。
To do so, we have to make a serious study of the hows and whys of constitutional government. 为了答复问题,就得好好研究一下宪政的道理。
Hence, the constitutional government and rule by law are closely correlated to the cultivation and ripeness of civil society. 因此,宪政与法治的实现离不开市民社会的培育和成熟。
And it is the form which a constitutional government of the anti-Japanese united front should take. 这样的宪政也就是抗日统一战线的宪政。
The basic way of construction of Chinese Constitutional government should be: Firstly we should consummate constitution from political constitution to Constitutional government constitution. 我国宪政建设的基本路径应当是:完善现行宪法,从政治宪法走向宪政宪法;
The transformation from the judicature to the representative system has marked the change of the modern Britain constitutional government pattern. 司法型宪政模式向代议制型宪政模式的转变,标识了近代英国宪政模式的转型。